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Estoque Musqueteros X Vengo Queda

spirng 2024

The current breeding is extending of the outline method we use in the program.

We can put together effects of cooperation with other breeders. The most important factor in breeds management is the cooperation. The core of our work is line based of Quijote de Caracuel. Thanks of the mentioned above cooperation, the offspring of this line was used parallel  in our kennel and by the Friends from Mosqueteros ( developed by formers Pumarejo, Burguillos del Cerro and Almanzores kennels ). They recuperated very interesting female (Pampera) from one of the hunting packs. Pampera represented old lines of Alaju and Viesques and improved Quijote line represented in Mosqueteros squad by stunning male Drogo. From the litter was selected Estoque – silent, dry and tireless runner. His stamina and balanced character is very well transmitted to the offspring.

In Sevilla work another avid alano breeder – Marcos Martin. He developed line based of Alaju Ristre. His genetic integrated dogs from semi natural selection of dogs from Encartationes zone used in recuperation of alano made by Alaju owner Carlos Contera.  Pantero – a  son of Ristre was used by us to make an outcross line with Vengo Kana – represents Quijote line.

Litter of Pantero and Kana improved size and character of the dogs to taller and even more noble.

So, we are expecting tall , noble and light runners in shape and expression of typically alano fo the hunting packs – rehalas.

Alaju Ristre

Morita Valdezufre and her daughter Orbea

Vengo Kana and Kana with Pantero de Marcos Martin


Hito and his mother Estrella 

Charko de Corrican - ancestor of Ristre - his origin based of dogs from recuperation made in the late 70ties by Carlos Contera. On the right - Alaju Godo, the most successful recovery effect in third generation in recuperation breeding 

Carlos Contera and his Alaju alanos , on the right Carlos , me and Hilo

Estoque Musquterros comes from the line of Quijote marked by outstanding dogs like Drogo, Hierro, and Hito. This combination was crossed by the female called Pampera in origin within the oldest lines of modern alano - Alaju and Vieques. Both parents represent pure athleticism and running skills at the top level. Noble, typical conformation for long-distance gallopers and catching instinct.

Estoque Musqueterros