New litter is not just next step in breeding. In background is true story about alano, ancae lines, amazing people  and Andalusian province. Going ahead should be support by conscious flashback. Corner stone of ANCAE is breeding program introduced by avid alanero and aware breeder Manuel Jarren. His kennel de los Cuadrejones and twin kennel condado del Niebla were located in Huelva. Main breeding were located in his farm “La Rondana”. Consequence work by Jarren resulted in his dogs and their descendants in local hunting packs. Basic dog for Jarren’s breeding program was recuperated male called Carpintero. Jarren build Carpintero’s line touched by strong expression of this dog. Details of this period and impressions everybody can read by Jarren’s book about alano.Carpintero’s line is not long, details are on the scheme from the book of Jaren.

Even if carpintero wasn’t similar in the shape to alano but more to Spanish presa, some of his descendants looked very promising.   Especially three dogs crowned Jarren’s job in this line– carbonero, pantera and carbonero’s son – romo. Unfortunately much more popular was chato – carpintero’s son moved to north Spain. Chato was very big dog in the type of Spanish bulldog. He had nothing similar to alano – head, body, legs, skin everything was different to correctly type of light running dog. Spectacular shape was chato’s big advantage. Finally he was often used stud dog and his characteristics are in many descedants. In this times in Andalucía - female pantera was used by most progressive kennel los tarantos. Los cuadrejones finished breeding and Manuel Jarren kept only Romo as the crown of his work.Thanks support of friends Daniel and David we met with Mr. Jarren. He told his story and impressions about these days of alano breeding. Chapter of this story we can see live in local mountain range of Aracena in Valdezufre village. Local hunter and Monteria guru – Cecil Romero used in his pack dogs from los Cuadrejones kennel. Thanks big number of dogs Cecile’s kennel was one of last stands of forgotten descendants of carbonero.


We come into village in late Sunday morning. Strong sunshine painted curious mosaics on the walls and corners of enclosure of the Valdezufre.  Spanish friends  ignored  40 degrees of Celsius. Daniel parked on first free place  not looked for something like shadow.  We went just in the middle of village to local tavern .  Here started  stories about dogs and hunting. The times vanished  in protection of shadow and cold San Miguel . Finally we come to the kennel. Big area located on the one of hills around the village. Podencos and alanos in big runs. Probably over 50 dogs.  Main idea of the shelters is reducing influence of the heat and strong sun. We walked around  the kennel. Cecil talked about each dog his advantages and weakness, names of ancestors some stories from hunting.  We walked slowly but each step made us closer to run with the dog with favorites expression in alano ever – Moro. Is easy to find carpitero’s mark in moro – strong bones, expression of  the evil. Moro reminds  easily description of the dogs of Spanish conquest of the New World. Just the look of these dogs paralyzed Indians warriors. They can compared  Spanish dogs only to jaguars  not only by size but because of coat as well. I can imagine that regular, lazy, feline movement and ultra-fast reaction in excitement reminded big cat predators.


Moro is a result of combination breeding of descendants of Carpintero x Verdina line. His stamina were amazing. In tough condition he finished 15 years of working life. Endless lines of hills of Aracena mountain range, heat and rough terrain in several hours long hunting was exhausted for podenco. Even more for more robust alanos. It is hard to imagine but after 10 hours pursuits in the mountains descendants of carbonero come in first line with the best podencos  to their owner .  Second one  great dog in carbonero line called Nemesio was a proud for Cecil pack. This big male with very strong instinct is a grandfather of our hanon – father of current litter. Sister of Nemesio is mother of Moro. Looking in origin – we have a chance for a litter responding to the best of legacy the Cuadrejones kennel.

Morita is female is bulldog type. Stubborn, brave, tough. Her primal instincts are unique. She is more similar in shape to famous grandfather Baltasar than to Moro. Hanon is big as his ancestors  -movement of the big cat with evil eyes and ultimate catching inctinct. His beautiful gallop in big jumps reminds  run of big heavy greyhound. Wanted shape of alano – shape of muscular greyhound with big head is hard to imagine in carpintero line. This inner contradiction of alano conformation – light body of sighthound  with powerfully head is hard challenge . Big scull implicated in most issues big bones. Unique morphology of original alaunt existed  with all details of his massive flat head, smooth stop and small slanting eyes. I deep believe in correlation of ultimate catching/game and  shape of the head.  I never  forget about  continuity alano of Asian ancestors . They influenced for alaunt form and type. In modern alanos we can see influence of some breeds, but  this primal characteristic is to find as well and is most valuable  for receiving  wanted type.  Carpintero’s  granddaughter  Tizona  is the best example of potential  of Carpintero line

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